nec 1100a

Discussion in 'CD-R' started by line48, Jun 4, 2005.

  1. line48

    line48 Member

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    all of a sudden i can burn dvd's with my nec cd/dvd burner and i cant burn/read a cd? why wont my 1100a even recognize a cd now? thanks fo rany help
  2. Shoey

    Shoey Guest

  3. line48

    line48 Member

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    i can burn ANY dvd I want! I dont know if I have a sotfware prob., or a hardware prob.. My cd\dvd burner wont recognize ANY cd based format. Just dvd based! I dont know if it's the laser or what! I got plenty of dvd software, thanks for the links! I just want to find out if I need to go out and get a new, dvd/cd burner combo! thanks
  4. Shoey

    Shoey Guest

    Do you know what current firmware your using? Nero Info Tool will tell you before flashing. How long have you owned your NEC dvd burner?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 5, 2005
  5. line48

    line48 Member

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    just ran nero info tool, firmware 1.A0, this is a replacement cd\dvd burner, the first one went out after about 11 months, this one was installed in Dec. 2004! My computer warranty went out in Dec. also.They wouldn't warranty this part seperate from the rest of the confuser! bullshit! thanks for the reply!
  6. Shoey

    Shoey Guest

    I see a 1.A3 firmware update for the Nec ND 1100A at the firmware page.....
    Firmwareupdate ND-1100A - Important Information:

    [F/W revision Brands]
    1.A3 (WIN) - 03-05-2004

    You will find information for firmware 1.A3 changes on our FAQ:

    -> Support and Service -> Technical questions -> Optical storage -> DVD / DVD Writer

    Pls. be informed, that firmware updates for DvD Burner ND-Series will not solve problems
    in conjunction with some burnersoftwares caused by missing support on the softwareside
    by their manufacturers. Firmwareupdates usually adds only new media information.

    -This update dont increase speed 8x for DvD+R.

    -This update dont create a DvD+R9 writing function.

    -This update dont create writability of DVD-R/ -RW media`s.

    -this Update works only with NEC ND-1100A (retail&bulk), not with OEM releases.
    (OEM means part of a full PC package or external USB/FireWire variant of this burner)
    For OEM products contact your dealer, distributior or manufacturer of PC package.
    [e.g. OEM pc packages were Dell, Fujitsu Siemens, HP, Medion, Vobis, Freecom, Storquest]

    >>You can only update from Firmwareversion version 1.A0<<

    (you can verify firmware with NERO Info Tool:

    -disconnect all external USB / FireWire devices.

    -do not turn off power during the updating process.

    -this update is not compatible with dual DvD Burner`s from IOMEGA!
    (also firmwareupdates for IOMEGA DvD burners are NOT compatible with NEC DvD Burners)

    >Warranty will be lost during false updating procedure; especially modified firmwares

    >were used before. We (NEC) cannot guarantee correct updating, if "modified" firmwares,

    >e.g. "" or "" etc., were used before, it is true such "hacks"

    >offer a recovery function, but their manufacturers had only assembled firmwares!

    >>(NEC will never release original firmwares!)<<



    >In such cases we could not offer you a solution any more.

    >You have to repair it by cost then.

    -->after unzipping file pls. double click on "NECND11_1A3.EXE", follow instructions.

    -->*pls. close all other applications during update procedure.


    To be on the safe side, you can also update drive by our service partner
    Euro Point external. You have to send drive to the following adress:

    >Euro Point Communication GmbH
    >Sign: Firmwareupdate
    >Seligenstädter Straße 100 - Halle 41
    >DE-63791 Karlstein a. M.

    Pls. do not forget to mark delivery note with sign "FIRMWAREUPDATE".

    The price for update procedure is brutto 45,25 EUR*,
    contains following:
    -firmwareupdate: 25,00 EUR(netto)
    -shipment costs* 14,00 EUR*(netto)
    (*can increase to foreign countries)

    You can check status of procedure by this phone number 0049-(0)6188-954-3600.
    Pls. visit for further Informations our homepage:
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 5, 2005

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