Which Supercard?

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by micl1, Mar 4, 2008.

  1. micl1

    micl1 Guest

    Am new to this and have being reading a lot of posts on this and have questions.
    Which supercard should I buy
    Supercard ds one
    supercard lite
    supercard mini
    supercrad sd
    Is there any major difference between all of these cards
    which one gives the best performance
    All I want to do is play ds games not to worried about gba's and want between 1GB and 2GB card to put into it.
    Or is there a guide telling the differences to all of these
  2. Oxadillia

    Oxadillia Guest

    I had a supercard lite...which was OK. It did the job, but it didn't look very slick. You also have to patch DS games to run them which is really annoying. A passkey is also needed.

    The supercard DS one looks most promising, as its a slot 1 device, which does not require patching and is more advanced.
  3. micl1

    micl1 Guest

    let me get this right. I get a supercard ds one and a mini sd card.
    I put the upgraded firmware onto the sd card and then whatever games I want and I'm ready to go?
  4. Oxadillia

    Oxadillia Guest

    No you need a MICROSD card to go in to the supercard DS one and then you put the firmware on (NDS file I think) and you load it on the card and it updates.

    I THINK this is how it goes, it seems to on all other slot 1 carts but I don't know from experience.

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