Päivitin windows nt:een windows 2000. Äänet muuttuivat nopeutetuiksi. Äänikortti on ilmeisesti joku integroitu? Ääniohjaimissa lukee Intel(r)82801 BA/BAM AC'97 Audio Controller -2445 . Sain kerran aikaisemmin jo via korjattua jollakin päivityksellä, mutta en muista mistä sen sain.
On Windows 2000 Operating system if the Intel® 82801 BA/BAM AC '97 Audio Controller device is enabled, the system may fail to enter the ACPI S3 system power state. On certain systems, the issue has been attributed to some behavior experienced with the AC '97 Audio Device driver included with Windows 2000 operating system. To address this issue install an updated device driver for the Intel® 82801 BA/BAM AC '97 Audio Controller. http://www.station-drivers.com/telechargement/intel/Chipset_v7.0.0.1025/relnotes.htm http://www.station-drivers.com/telechargement/intel/Chipset_v7.0.0.1025/infinst_autol.exe