is there a step by step guide for useing dvddecrypter and dvd2one ? also i need the download for the dvd2one before tnis new version mine got cleaned off.
king54 here one for you i had another cant seem to find it now never used dvd2one
king54, The site below is the site for that program and the manual is on the site. DVDDecrypter decrypting engine is no longer being updated so I would use Ripit4Me to properly rip the movies to the HD. That program uses DVDD along w/ a PSL file to rip the DVD to HD and then uses FixVTS to bring the DVD back into compliance so other programs can burn the DVD files properly
that is the link to dvd2one2 i need the one before that one i bought the dl version but it was cleared off now i cant find a place to dl it.
If you have D/l'd the program using the trial period and want to d/l it again this can not be done unless you edit the registry. If you have a legit copy of the Program it should load using your serial number. You might try to Google for the version you need.
duh you dont think i have tried to look for and yes i bought a real copy i have the register code but cant find the version i had on the net.
Then the only thing left for you to do is to e-mail their support and see if they can furnish that version for you. Version 2.1 can be found here: DVD2one version 1.3 Here: What version # are you looking for?
ty car that did it i think now wht i need is the guide on how to set the folders up i know its something like /C/DVDTEMP/DVDDECRYPTED/VIDEOTS but i cant remember. and tyvm for the link.
i spoke too soon a bout the link after i dled it it came up and its the right version but it didnt leave an icon on desktop and i cant find it anywhere on my pc whts wrong?
I just tried it and had no problem as it left an icon on my desktop. Try it again amd make sure you watch where it is d/l;d to and installed to
witch one did u do i need the 1.3 and it wont dl again it just says run. when i hit run it comes up but when i close it its gone no icon no folder nothing
king54, It is an executable file. Just click on it and enter your registration #. Then it should install properly or in theory it should. If it does not install properly then you need to get the company to send you the installed program files.