$1000 piece of metal

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by Raiten, Dec 22, 2004.

  1. Raiten

    Raiten Regular member

    Dec 6, 2004
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    I have no idea what's going on with my PC but it won't work anymore. I JUST built that damn thing and now it won't boot up. Here's the deal, the system was working just fine for the first 24 hours i had it running. I unplugged the computer so i could connect the LED plugs correctly, i also took out a CD Burner drive so i could check the drive above it. When i put the LED plugs in correctly i plugged everything back up but forgot the CD drive. It doesn't boot up. Then i connected the CD drive.

    When i power up the system everything seems ok, but it does NOT boot up, no 'beep' saying it's going to load. All of the LEDs work, fans run, power is connected to everything now (including the CD drive). i unplugged EVERYTHING in the systems from the motherboard to each individual fan to see if i could find anything...nope. So please, anyone, PLEASE help me. Any info on what the heck is wrong would be greatly appreciated!
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2004
  2. Raiten

    Raiten Regular member

    Dec 6, 2004
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    I've tried everything i could think of to fix this problem, changed the slot the RAM is located, checked it to see if it was bad, i also put my graphics card into my old PC to see if it was that, it's not. I doubt it's a problem of lack or power, i have a 420W power supply. And the fans all work, basically EVERTHING works, it's just that when i turn the power on, the monitor just sits at a black screen. I also tried to boot in safe mode to see if that would do anything, it doesn't.

    So if anyone else has an idea of what i can do please reply ASAP. i just hope i don't have to get a new mobo or anything....i wanted this to be a christmas present
  3. keithro70

    keithro70 Guest

    Sounds like the computer can't find the hard drive. This may have to do with the cdrom. Check the jumper settings on the cdrom and the hard drive, make sure the cable is connected properly.
    Try booting in VGA mode to make sure it's not your video card. If it boots in VGA mode, disable the video card and reboot. Maybe your pc is using the wrong driver for it. You can also try last know good config
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 22, 2004
  4. Raiten

    Raiten Regular member

    Dec 6, 2004
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    Well i did check the connections, and they are all secure. How exaclty do i boot it up in VGA mode? That's my main problem, i can't see anything on my monitor. I know my video card is fine since i checked it on my old PC. And i can't even boot up in safe mode, NOTHING shows up on my monitor. Oh and the monitor is fine because i checked it with my old PC as well.
  5. heybilly

    heybilly Regular member

    Apr 23, 2003
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    if nothing is on the screen its usually either... bad processor, bad ram, or bad mobo... maybe that 24 hours u were running u didnt have good contact between the processor and the heatsink and u fried it... also check ur 115/230 switch on the pw supply make sure u got the right selection
  6. Raiten

    Raiten Regular member

    Dec 6, 2004
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    The Power supply is on the 115, always has been. Also the processor is secure under the heatsink and fan, the temp guage i have connected to it shows that it's running at 58-59 Cs, i know that's a little hot but that's how it was out of the box. How will i know if it's the RAM? I don't know of anyone around that has the same board or RAM type as me. But i was going to expand it to 2 gigs so i could always buy another.

    I checked on newegg.com (place i ordered everything from) and the RAM has a "Lifetime Warranty" so that'll help in getting a new one if it did go bad. I'm sure it's not my fault cuz i made sure the memory was in all the way the clips were securing the chip correctly.
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2004
  7. GrandpaBW

    GrandpaBW Active member

    Feb 28, 2004
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    Try pulling out the battery for about 5 seconds and then put it back in. If that doesn't work, try tripping the CMOS to clear it.
  8. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    clear the cmos with jumper not battery. disconnect everything from motherboard but ram & video card . reseat the ram, video card & the power connectors to board from psu than repower system & report results
  9. Raiten

    Raiten Regular member

    Dec 6, 2004
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    Well i did like suggested, not sure how to clear the CMOS since i've never done it before, how exactly do i do that? Other than that nothing really happens, well as far as i know, the CPU fan turns on, and seems to work, but still nothing on the monitor. I'm going to try and swap my RAM for my roomies, he has DDR400 also, so if it works then, i'll know who to bitch too i guess.
  10. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    i have a saying that i tell my customers & this is not meant as an insult but do a R.T.F.M.D. (Read The F***ing Manual Dummy), even my friend who added the D. onto it tells his customers & they laugh at it
  11. Divinus

    Divinus Guest

    It's usually very simple. For instance, clearing my cmos requires just moving the jumpers from 1 2 to 2 3... I'm sure you've seen jumpers on a hard drive or cd-rom before, so I'm going to assume that at least.

    It would look like this...

    On your motherboard (check your manual obviously) you'd have the jumper set at a preset position, for instance 1-2. This means the jumper is on top of pins 1 and 2. It will say in your manual somethnig to the effect of move the jumper to 2-3 and leave it there for 1 minute/30 seconds, etc... and put it back on 1-2. This means you will have 3 little pins sticking out of the motherboard in total. The jumper covers the 1st and 2nd one default and to clear it you'd have to move the jumper to where it covers number 2 and 3. After you've waited the allotted time just move it back to it's default position and you should be good to go. If you're not POSTing or anything, no beeps, you definitely have something very bad or something is fried I'd wager.

    obviously this isn't the way you'd reset your cmos (or it might be). This is just an example of how I would reset my board, so don't follow the instructions verbatim.
  12. keithro70

    keithro70 Guest

    To boot in VGA mode press F8 while computer is booting, if you get a menu, select Enable vga mode. Also make sure the jumper setting on that cdrom isn't set to master if it's on the same ribbon as the hard drive.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 23, 2004
  13. heybilly

    heybilly Regular member

    Apr 23, 2003
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    Im guessing you were playing with yourself in front of the computer and it went blind. Try 3 Hail Marys and 10 Our Fathers.
  14. Jerry746

    Jerry746 Senior member

    Oct 23, 2003
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    Your problems all started when you PLUGGED IN THE LEDS that weren't connected. Unplug them again and see it it boots. I'm guessing one of those plugs is in the wrong place possibly causing the problem. Go back to the original way it was before and start from there.

  15. Raiten

    Raiten Regular member

    Dec 6, 2004
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    Ok i've read the manual like 200 times, hell i could probably recite it from memory. I switched the jumpers, i tried taking the battery out and it turns on but still nothing.

    I took OFF the LED plugs and tried it, nothing. I switched them around like before, nothing. I stripped it down to just, Vid card, Processor, heat sink/fan and the power to run it. And nothing worked. I already contacted newegg.com to get a replacement, but i'm going to try a couple more things.

    And i can't start in VGA mode because no signal/information is sent to the monitor at all, so if i was in VGA mode or safe mode i wouldn't even know.

  16. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    did you leave the memory in when you stripped system down as no memory no post same result
  17. Raiten

    Raiten Regular member

    Dec 6, 2004
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    Well i tried with RAM in there, then took it out and still nothing.
  18. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    take board out of case, keep video card, cpu(with heatsink & fan) & ram on motherboard. isolate board from case so can still use psu or remove psu from case to power up board. how many sticks of ram on system

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