Very sad news today, has closed down due to the ESA sending them a cease and desist letter, after nearly a year-long run... From Diki; one of the owners: As you probably already know (assuming that you have tried to access the website) 1ROM has been closed. We received a notice from ESA and have been forced to close 1ROM. It's not something that we wanted to do; we were left without a choice. Very unfortunate...
Thanks nintenut for sharing. Above, are Diki's words, verbatim. This is indeed sad news. What a gloomy day for the owners and all the people who frequented the site...This explains why it was down for a long time.
My quote was from his forum post on the subject. Regardless, we've lost one of the best ROM sites... Diki has said he will be keeping the forums up for a while longer, I hope he keeps it as 1ROM had a great community...
Excellent news! At2SmithJason (One of the mods) has taken over the forums and will continue to run it as a ROM sharing forum. Not as good as the original site staying up, but the next best thing. Great community over there. 1ROM.