Ok...I searched before I decided to post but couldn't find an answer. I am attempting to mod my xbox with Splinter Cell and Action Replay. I was able to get Linux on the HD. When I select it and then select "checkpoints", my screen freezes and says "Xbox needs service." What am I doing wrong?
Which installer did you use? I think I've used knave sid 4.1, I think that's what it's called or ndure. Also did you make sure you deleted any other splinter cell game saves?
I used NDURE. I believe my problem is in transferring the installer over to the PC field of Action Replay. Could I be leaving some files off?
Yeah I think I remember having to go and drag and drop two separate files because the AR memory card wasn't large enough to hold them both.
When I've done them I get a screen with the SID menu. From there you are supposed to backup your eeprom and c: partition. After that you can choose to install your hacked dash with a few apps etc. Then you are prompted to shut down your system. I choose no and then eject my splinter cell game and remove it from the tray then I shut it down and boot the system back up. Then the rest of the softmod will install and your done with that part of it. The very first softmod I did got botched because I was using a 3rd party s-video cable so make sure you are using your stock a/v cable to install the softmod. I never got a clear answer on why it worked that way but that's all I could find. Good luck.
"checkpoints"?? it's "profile" that you load... 2 versions of Ndure.. NTSC and PAL. get the right one.