hello i have sm problems with 2 DS lites a black one and a red one that are broken ones my brothers, he let it drop or something left it on the charge a long time now it doesnt turn on not even a flash I thought maybe batteries uncharged it wont hold a charge only an orange light for maybe 2 seconds then dies completely. My black Ds lite holds a charge and glows green for a couple seconds then the bottom screen flickers white then it dies out. Ive read on here that the non flickering screen may be the problem so i would just replace the top screen on my blk DS and it should wrk? My bro's red ds i read on here could be a blown fuse F2 or F1 fuses i read you could bridge where the blown fuse is or replace it im not sure what kind of fuse it is or if just bridging it with solder or a wire ( not sure what kind of wire would be best, but wouldnt this leave it more prone to shorting out without a fuse just a blob of solder or wire?) If i have to open em up ill do it ( hv nothing to lose right) just need that nintendo screwdriver and a fuse and replacet top screen oh yeah and does home depot or radioshack sell triwing screwdrivers, im not sure if its a specialized only nintendo can sell type of screwdriver.
Black DS - yes replace the top screen Red DS - Fuse F2 (F1 is for charging only) it is very tiny (3mm) located next to the Silver DS slot. It is marked on the board, to test bridge with solder, if this works then but a new fuse and put it in, if not - scrap the DS. Tri wing - lots of places sell them - not sure about Radioshack
thanks kittymat, i was able to fix my black ds lite i ended up taking my brothers top screen, i bridged both the F2 and F1 on mty brothers red ds lite and nothing same orange light for a sec then its gone. Does that mean its gameover? No way to fix my brothers red ds,what about new fuses or is the damage already done?
oh yeah i did this weeks ago just left it on the side after mine was fixed bros mad i took his sreen :/