Building a new comp and I am at getting 2 dvd dual layer burners what I want to do is being able to burn 2 different files on 2 seperate burners at the same time using nero 7 is that posible?? I know nero can burn a file with multiple recorders but would like to know if for instance I do a right click on an .iso file--- open with nero--- burn and do the same thing on a different file would get the 2 different files to burn at the same time or work????? Thanks
Yes, you can do that.. But, make sure you have a decent CPU.. like 3GHz or so.. Also, if you're burning ISO files.. it's best to use IMGBurn, which is free. Just open up two instances of it and select the other burner. Any more questions, just ask.
one more question should I go SATA or IDE?? I know there's no much difference in performance SATA is less cluster but the thing is I will have my drives in RAID 0 so it means that those burners will be part of the drive array right??? I f that's the case I don't see how NERO could differ the 2 drives I have the GA-965P-DQ6 rev 3.3 for mobo and it only has 1 IDE chanel so are the 2 drives would be on different addresses?? or they would both be on the same? Thanks!!!
I'd just stick with IDE.. however, if you don't have the space, then go for SATA. It doesn't make much difference when it comes to dvd drives.
Space in witch way??? in the case or on the IDE chanel??? is it true that if I go sata they will be included in my raid 0 array of hard drives??
As in IDE channels.. not case space.. And as for your second question.. I'm not sure.. but i'd think yes, as it's a sata device like your hdds..
I think looking at this you will have troubles unless you are very careful how you set this up.. somebody who knows..
You can do it, but the CPU won't be the bottleneck, the HDD will. I would suggest burning from separate HDD's to make sure there's no lag or delay. I've tried to burn two discs/two files at once and it greatly slows down the process as well as frequently throwing up exclamation points that the program (IMGBurn in this case) had to wait for HDD activity to refill buffer. Using Nero doesn't give you the "!", but it will still be much slower. Personally, I don't like taking the chance that one of these pauses creates a bad disk, either. -Brett
All you need is two burners and two hard drives. Put each image on a hard drive and burn. Just think of it like a bartender. If you have two lines of people that want drinks (the burners) and only one bartender (the HDD) serving both sides of the bar, then it's gonna be slow going. Add another bartender, so that you have one for each side of the bar and you should have no problems. Good luck. -Brett
K but what if my HD are raid 0?? is the system sees it as 1 drive??? and wha tabout my mobo tha thas only 1 IDE chanel??? Thanks