Hello everyone I am new here. I have downloaded Broken Sword 2 using bit torrent. It came as two parts. Both parts are around 550mb, zip files. Im using Daemon tools to run them. I open the first part and click on install but it says "Cannot find Cluster at E: or j:". Clusters is a folder in both Zip files. I burnt both files onto cdrs (2 seperate CD-Rs), but when I put the first cd in, it just comes up with the same error. how do i install the game? Thank you in advance for your help
It's a new problem, I've never heard of. Maybe if you explain which kind of files are in the ZIPs (and the containt of the -small- ASCII files associated with it) it might help us? But no guarantee, sorry.
Please be aware of a no piracy discussion policy here on the forums and it seems like the images are corrupt.