I finally gave in and bought another dvd rw drive today and i was just wondering. Can i burn an image to both of my drives at the same time now?
It is possible, but you if you don't have a high end machine you'd be just as well off burning one at a time as when burning simultaneously the actual burn times could increase two fold.
Agree with LOCO here. You're machine would have to be top-notch to handle burning two at once. Any particular reason you'd need to do so, or just another case of a curious kitty? Personally, i have two Dvd burner drives. I use one to rip (which would actually only require one burner drive, but hey, just in case...right?) and the other to burn to save from one drive doing all the work. Never attempted burning two at once though.
I use four multiple drives burning at 8x no problems, sometimes i drop it down to 6x if I'm doing several runs. the drives will heat up some thats why i use sata optical drives nero dvd burning rom is what you want
My specs are about the same as Binkies and my burn times double when attempting this type of task. The speed will increase slightly if I'm burning different files from different HDD's as there will be a bottleneck of data if accessing the same drive for all the work being done. I know it can be done with no harm, but for me it's not worth it...I just use the queue with Imgburn.