Hope this is not a repeated question, I've looked thru the forums and didn't find this exact question. I have two seperate Video_TS folders of DVD5 disks. Both are under 4.1GB each. I'm wondering what would be involved to place both of these onto 1 Dual Layer DVD disk... keeping the menus of each intact.
Well it would be easy to put both on a dual layer disk with several different programs, but to keep the menus intact.. hmmmmmm havent tried this now you gave me something else to work on.. ;-)
IF I remember correctly, to keep your menus, you'd have to create a new main menu for your disc to select between the two movie menus and then reathor the menus of the movies in something like DVD Lab Pro..... I've seen it somewhere in the forum, I'll try to do some digging.... EDIT OK, apparently there's an easy way to do it with DVD Remake Pro... check HERE I'll still keep digging since I'm sure there are other ways of doing it that are a bit more involved but don't cost as much....
Hi ZippyD, Long time no see Glad to see you still around. Yes what you have suggested works fine and he/she could also use Nero Vision Express to do that, but Volkar has indicated they wanted to keep the menus of each intact. Now I am not sure this is possible and they may need to do as you have suggested, but I am going to give it a go this weekend to see if it is possible. Now that I think about it it should be able to be done with one movie and then the other one right behind it. Of course you would have one set of menus at the begining and one in the middle and I am not sure exactly what Volkar is looking for. If it is to have bothe menus play at the begining then they will have to do as you have suggested. Again nice to still see you around
bbmayo... Zippyd has the right idea. I want to eventually be able to pop the disk in and have a menu available to select either movie. It can be as simple as a "two option menu - Movie 1 or Movie 2". Clicking Movie 2 would be me to the menu for Movie 2, (scene selection, language selection, etc). I don't like the idea, but am pretty sure I will end up having to create the "Movie 1 or 2" menu and insert it at the beginning. The biggest thing is that I don't want the extra expense of buying a major program to create this menu. I do use DVDShrink and Nero 7 Ultra. Thanx for the help.
Well I have created a NVE guide that shows you how to do what you are asking here is the Link let me know if this helps.