Hi ppl, I would like to know, how can i burn 2 or more movies in one DVD. I am using a Sony DVD+R for now with a capacity of 4.7GB/120Min. The size of the movies are Movie 1: 705MB / 82min. Movie 2: 701MB / 100min. Both are DVD rip and avi files. I am using Nero 7 to burn.
If you're just leaving them as AVIs, just burn them as data to a DVD. If you're converting the AVIs to be DVD compliant, use Nerovision Express, ConvertXtoDVD, or any of the other AVI to DVD conversion programs available. To convert to DVD in Nerovision: - create a DVD video project - add the two video files - make a menu if desired - set the output settngs - burn
Quickest way to do it, in my opinion, is use WinAVI Video converter to convert the .avi files to DVD format. In WinAVI, you just put both .avi files into the project, go to advanced and set DVD size to 4300, set chapter points if you like and let it encode. If I had to guess, it will likely take about 1 - 1.5 hours to convert the files. You will be left with a DVD_0 folder wherever you elected to output it. Burn the Video_TS folder using Nero and that should take care of that. Probably the quickest way in my opinion. If you're looking to make menus and add extras and such, use WinAVI like stated but use DVD Lab to author the DVD with menus and extras. DVD Lab will also burn to disc for you. Hope this helps!
Thanks Finally i did manage to create the dvd with 2 movies but the problem now is tht the sound and the video does not sync when i play it in my dvd player....the sounds comes before i see the video... can any one plz help....
Syncing audio and video is one of the biggest problem of conversion. Soem converters do a much better job than others. Nerovision isn't one of the best at it. Which program did you use? Sometimes just using another conversion program will provide a better result. ConvertX ususally is pretty good but sometimes files are missing timecodes from being edited/converted and that leads to sync problems. You can always try to demux (separate) the audio and video and then put them back together again. However that requires quite a bit of work and time and some more sophisticated programs and usually isn't worth the effort. There's also some approaches as suggested here: http://www.videohelp.com/forum/archive/t256557.html
@sanih, Give this guide a try Video File To DVD Guide it's all free programs and works well so it can't hurt to give it a try.