2 usb problems!!! need help!!!!

Discussion in 'Windows - General discussion' started by james2194, Nov 30, 2007.

  1. james2194

    james2194 Member

    Jul 10, 2007
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    ok i have a lexar usb 1GB flash drive and a my book external 500GB hard drive and when i plug them in i get 2 ding noises insted of 1 and my 1Gb will work on a different computer but my external wont

    if that wos confusing then here 1GB wont work on my loptop but works on outher computer and my 500Gb wont work on eny computer

    for both when u plug them in windows goes ding ding insted of ding and it does not let me vew it or softy remove it but whem i disconect the usb it goes ding so i need to no whats up!!!!
  2. QuikDraw

    QuikDraw Regular member

    Sep 29, 2007
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    LOL, are you sure it isn't going ding dong, or ding a ling? Sorry, I couldn't help myself. LOL You description was great! Sounds like a driver conflict issue. Let's start there. What is the brand and model computer your having problems with. What operation system does it have. Brand and model of both USB devices. Does either device have a software CD that came with it? First ding means on, second ding means off. on/off. Windows is rejecting the devices. Driver corruption? Do you know how to use device manager?

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