This thread is for anyone who has 24 the game and needs help on it. I'll start it. I am on this mission when i am one of the bad guys driving kim bauer to korea town. i got to korea town but now i need to get to a new vehicle. i got there but from there i have no idea what to do. Somebody please help me.
this is not a game board and your a member and you don't know that. read what thid board is about.. AfterDawn feedback & suggestions Like something about Dawn? Or just can't stand it? Or maybe you'd like to suggest a new feature for the site? This is the place for you.
I'm sorry, to tell you the truth i always HAVE known. I was just in a hurry, i meant to put this thread in "other" board. I swear i was in a hurry, and i always DID knew. I'm sorry ok?