extreme newbie here i want to backup 3 dvds to one disc they are each approx 700000 in size i use dvd decrypter dvd2one and copytodvd can i just do a multisession pls help
I am thinking your saying they are 700 mb each? Are these like home movies your burnt to DVD? Are they copyrighted? If I am on the right track then there is about 5 ways you can do this. But not sure if dvd2one or copytodvd will do it. I dont use them.
firestart, Welcome to our Club You have one of the best proggys - DVD2One is super for that -use it in the "join " mode and if they compliment each other, use the "seamless" joining choice. I've put 3 DVD-9 movies on a single disc cheers, Pete
700000KB would come out to about 684MB, or about 0.7GB. So, there would be absolutely no problem at all fitting the 3 small files on a 4.36GB disc. In fact you could put 3 more without any problems or need to compress. Obviously these aren't full length movies. It would be interesting to know what kind of project you're working on. Jetster is correct; to assist you we need to know a little bit about what you're doing.