first off, please excuse me for my grammatical errors, as i am in a rush, but i am in dire need of your help. im still a newbie to computers so please go easy on me. second, regarding the problem. i have an emprex, lite-on, and a samsung DVD burner. emprex and lite-on has a similar problem, where they can no longer burn anything, but will read discs just fine (actually they read better now that their burning capabilities are not there :X). both are on their updated firmware, so i dont know if it is possible to fix it at all. as for the samsung, its the SH-S182M model that i have seen on this site a few times, but my problem is unlike those that i have found. i tried to update the firmware, but after it failed, i went into safe mode to retry, but now i think it is dead. the firmware is now "BOOT" instead of SB04 (what it supposed to update to). the drive no longer respond to any interface, but through the computer or by pushing the eject button. if i try to update it again, it would freeze my computer and forcing me to physically reboot the comp. im sure that isn't healthy for my computer... again, i am sorry for the bad grammatical errors (especially not capitalizing the letters). thanks in advance. if you need more information, just reply back. thanks again.
Run the Nero Info Tool It will read the firmware and check the drive capabilities. Check the 'Configuration' tab and verify that 'DMA' is on for the burners (this is assuming they are internal burners;not usb).
While you have Nero Infotool fired up check to see that your system and Nero ASPI aren't corrupt.... Have you physically uninstalled the Samsung drive from your tower...actually taken the drive out? You might take to a friend and see if they can install and revive the drive...if so try reinstalling in your tower.
ok update so far: i cannot check with the older DVD drives, as they are uninstalled and somewhere in the box. i used the nero infotool but it doesnt say anything about DMA on the configuration. the samsung has now becomes a CD-ROM drive instead of a DVD burner now... ;__; although the working one i have is good enough right now, i would like to have the samsung up and working... i will do what you suggest and install it on another tower. i will get back after i am done. thanks again for your help.
Hi ;-) Unless Nero didn't install properly (then other problems should be present too) Neros' winaspi32.dll will be there. Just do a file search to check.
i could be a firmware problem (especially if you have downgraded your firmware); i've had drives go bonkers after updating firmware. check around and see if anyone with your model of burner has had problems with/from firmware updates by the way Love your nick redpig ;D
ok first off... i dont know why i need to check nero at all because i dont use it. >_< also, i am no longer using the 2 that arent burning... so i really want to focus just fixing the samsung one. and yeah i tried to update the samsung's firmware, because it didnt want to burn DL like it suppose to. but it crapped out during update, and now it is "BOOT" firmware... v_v and thanks for the compliment *^_^*
because it's important if you have an aspi installed or not, installing an aspi could very easily solve this problem
ah ok. well, i forced the aspi, but it seems that only the system aspi was installed. nero aspi is still uninstalled... anyways, the system aspi version is 4.60.