Hi folks: This is my first post(sorry if in wrong forum). I was just wondering if a two part movie(cd1,cd2)will fit into one dvd? I use ConvertXtoDvd to burn my movies and Thugzip to unrar them. I have burned many movies but never with two parts. I think the movies is 2.1gigs and 3 hours long. Will it fit? P.S. Nice website, been following it for months and I finally joined
I don't know if this will help but recently I moved a 4 hour movie to one DVD after a few procedures. The movie was one that is only out on two VHS tapes and is about 4 hours and twenty minutes long. I capture both tapes to my computer using my pinnacle software, I then had pinnacle create a DVD in two seperate files on my computer. I could then use DVD shrink to bring in both files and burn them to a Double Layer disk (for some reason it couldn't shrink it enough to fit on one yet). I then took the DL disk and had DVD shrink read and compress it to a single DVD and it works just fine. Over four hours on one single DVD.
Thanks for your reply Agent0008. I will try burning it "as is" hopefully(fingers crossed) nothing will happen, if not I will definately use DVD Shrink. One way or the other I will make it work using guides from here as guidance.