Hey fellow gamers it would be nice if u were to help me otherwise thanx, Check out this site nitwits.com paste this into your browser: http://imadumdum.com/?r=25344177 make sure to click on my link otherwise i wont get credited sign up and do the Ding Bat offer, its the easiest one, make sure you cancel it within 30 days and you pay nothing. its legit If you think its a scam: This is a next generation advertisement movement for big companies. Many companies pay millions if not billions to advertise on TV and etc. But now these companies can spend alot less by paying companies like IdiotNetwork (free ipod nano site), get their names out into the open. This type of advertisement gaurentee’s that the user will try a free trial of their offers. Therefore it’s cheap, guarentee’s a customers will try it and therefore they are willing to pay big $$ to companies like IdiotNetwork. Click on the link to check it out. they also do this with ipods, digital cameras, and laptops, I myself have gotten 2 free ipods using feelright.
oh yea. so far tonight i've banned this spammer & 1 junior for really bad mouthing Sophocles in this link. http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/268383
wow. thats what amazes me the most...not the spammers, but the people here that talk crap to other members who are giving free help and advice! some people are just some unappreciative