this is my first time doing any of this work. so please cut me a break if its been covered before. i did a search but dint come up with much. i downloaded a avi file that was 741 megs. i converted and got a iso. windows says the file is 4.43 gigs but imgburn tells me its 4.77. and has an error when i hit 98%. im sure its a little to big but is there anything i can do about this? it took me like 5 hours to encode it. can it be cut down a little to fit? any help would be great thanks. brian
try using dvd flick and make sure you set the target size to fit on a dvd-5,heres a guide
Since you already did the conversion once,you don't want to go through another 3-4 hours with DVD Flick(I love DVD Flick, works great, and supports subtitles); just open the ISO in DVD Shrink and reencode it to the size you want. Should take a few minutes.