when trying to rescan my box i press dbox then services but it then asks me for a 4 digit number any one have any idea what this number is.
Lost your Pin Code ? There are 2 methods to find the pincode on a dbox2 * either ftp into var/tuxbox/config and view neutrino.conf, look for parentallock_pincode=#### the #### is the pincode. * If you want you can do it from the dbox Choose Tuxbox Commander var ok tuxbox ok config ok scroll down to neutrino.conf ok then scroll down to the line, it is in alphabetical order. home home third option is to replace the neutrino.conf file from an image that doesnt have a pin
abbey thanks for your help but im a bit stuck once i get down alphabetical order what am i looking for there and how do i get the new pin code thanks if you get any time tomorrow will you set it out in order for me again as i have not got time tonight now thanks again for your help.
press the blue button extras and plugins menu comes up Choose Tuxbox Commander then choose var ok tuxbox ok config ok scroll down to neutrino.conf ok then scroll down to the line, it is in alphabetical order. keep on going down until you reach p look for parentallock_pincode=#### home home
thanks abbey i will try this tonight when i get home and let you know how i get on once again thanks for your help
abbey spot on instructions very easy to follow all sorted out keep up the good work and thanks again.