40gb ipod question

Discussion in 'iPod discussion' started by bojan087, Nov 8, 2006.

  1. bojan087

    bojan087 Regular member

    Jul 3, 2005
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    sorry this question has probably been asked a bunch of time sbut i couldnt find anything so i have a 40gb ipod laying around. i was wondering if i could get it apart and use the harddrive inside the ipod as an external harddrive? anybody done this before or is the set up different from the ipod's harddrive to a laptops harddrive?
  2. dkmopq

    dkmopq Guest

    I think iPod can be used as a USB flash drive. Just connect your iPod with a laptop by the USB cable.
  3. bojan087

    bojan087 Regular member

    Jul 3, 2005
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    yes i know that, but the problem is i took the ipod apart at one point because it was making me mad, and i accidently took off the black tape that was holding the harddrive to the ipod motherboard if thats what u wana call it, so i had no use of the ipod anymore and trying to put the ipod hd to a good use, but i found the connectors it goes from ipod hd to 2.5ide cable, to 2.5-3.5ide cable. thankx for the help tho

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