Hi, I have a few thoughts to share with you in response to your post. It's true that in human society there is a life-course excepted and expected by your suroundings. And it is also true that once you finish studying you have to find a job. But all of this doesn't mean that life is meaningless and are not enjoyable. First of all, there are people who choose a job that satisfies and interests them, and therefor they enjoy it. The best job is the one that is most similiar to your hobby / field of interest. People who enjoy life try to make the best of each phase in the course of life. They try to make decisions that will make them feel as free as possible. And being free means to do whatever you want. You can never do everything you want for two main reasons - 1. You have obligations to society 2. You live in a Capitalistic society If you "teach yourself" not to be fooled by the capitalistic nature of human society, then you can enjoy life much more. Studying, working and doing what is most close to what you want makes you happy. Furthermore, no matter how hard you work, if a person finds half an hour a day to do a thing that makes him feel better (read, surf the net etc.), he'd enjoy life much more. And as to being rich, people who are rich do not always reach happiness. If one does not work, he might feel useless. So in my opinion, people enjoy life in spite of the course that awaits, because they make their own decisions and lead themselves in this course. Making decisions means freedom, responsibility and experience. To sum it all up, total freedom is the ideal - The right decisions will lead one as close to this ideal as he can be and will, of course, let him enjoy life.
i see what you mean when you say that. i do all those things...except work...still in school. but i just haveteh say, you make it sound so.....boring, i dunno about you guys, but when im at school, i do have homework and all those things.....but when your living life.....you might as well have a damn good time while your doing it. school can be fun if you make it hehe =pepsimaxx=
You got to balance it all out, Of course it's not all work and all fun, you have to make a living, and have a little fun in bed with your girlfriend. The point is you live your life the way you want it to be. It's all just a game, you play the game till you achieve your goal in completing the game. Life to me is a opportunity, a blessing.