To start this out, I have a 4th Generation iPod (Click wheel black and white screen with 20g HD) that I purchased a few years ago. It has worked fine for the past few years, but recently a few of my friends began breaking. Oddly enough, I encountered a problem the other day on mine as well. When I plugged my iPod into my Xbox 360, I noticed that I could not play any songs, and that it froze the Xbox Dashboard. I originally thought nothing of it, but when I attempted to listen to my iPod, I noticed that it seemed to struggle to play songs, spinning the hard drive furiously, but never actually able to play the songs. I connected it to my computer and noticed that iTunes did not read it. So I went through the methods for fixing the problem (resetting iPod, enabling disk use, re-installing iTunes etc.) and nothing worked. I then attempted to go into the iPod using My Computer, but it only froze everything. I also noticed that the iPod seemed to repeatedly spin the HD, but seemed to not completely connect to any computer I tried it on. It also deleted all of my songs off it as well. So my predicament is, I've been trying to restore it, which I assume would fix it, but how can I restore it if I cannot connect it to any computer? I figured I'd ask somewhere before I sent it in to Apple to be fixed, since this would be my last resort. Thanks in advance for any replies.
Sounds like one of two things to me, an internal hardware Ipod issue like one with the USB not functioning and causeing a buncha errors and crashing your OS. or two, that your OS is funky with removable drives and might need a spyware cleaning and reinstall. Your ipod is a few years old while they do last a while heavy use and dropping it alot can kill it in 2 years. It did my 4th gen Ipod. now ive got a 60 gig video. Good Luck mate.
Thanks for the response. I got it up and running the other day. I read online that hitting it, yes hitting it might set the HD back in line. Since my warranty is done, and neither HP nor Apple would fix it, (it's an HP) I figured I had nothing to lose. Tried it and restored it a few times. Works fine now. Who would've thought that hitting an expensive electronic would fix it?