i have a dance album thats is a 5 cd collection & ive put the disk onto my hard drive. i want to be able to put all 5 disks onto 1 verbatim super azo cd-r, but when i try this with nero 7 ultra it goes by the amount of minutes available on the cd-r (80 mins)instead of the amount of space available (700mb).. when i hover the mouse over the folder the music is stored into it comes up as 561mb, so i dont understand how i cant put it to one disk.. also if i add them to windows media player, it says the total length of time of the 100 songs is 5 hours 46 minutes.. i would really appreciate some help here, thanks
You're opting to make an "Audio CD". When you do that it goes by the amount of minutes that files add up to. You need to opt for a "Data CD". In Nero this would be a CD-ROM(ISO). When you do that, it goes by the amount of bytes the files add up to.
ok thanks for that.. but would i be able to play the cd in a dvd/cd player.. cheers for the quick reply
That depends on the CD or DVD player. I just yesterday bought a new DVD player for at home. Most of the new ones(if not all) will play Data CD's, VCD's, SVCD's, Data DVD's, etc... I just looked for one that would handle +R & -R DVD's. Now, as far as CD Players go, it would have to say somewhere in the owners manual that it will play mp3's, wma's, or data disc's. What format are the original files in? I'm not really certain about this, but I believe some players have an issue with the bitrate & whether they are variable bitrate or constant bitrate.
the music files are mp3, but i dont understand why they look like this: http://i108.photobucket.com/albums/n16/neild79/historyofdance.jpg maybe it has something to do with nero as i think ive seen these before & its usually after i install nero that all my music/video files cvhange to those images..
You have a bad link. But, as long as they're mp3's is all you need to know really. You would just need a CD Player that can h play "Data CD's" or mp3 CD's. Like I said any newer DVD Player should handle them as Data files.
when i try to burn anything with nero, it comes up error buffer underrun detected & says that nero has to close.. here is a couple of pics, firstly the bad link: http://i108.photobucket.com/albums/n16/neild79/historyofdance.jpg and now the error from nero: http://i108.photobucket.com/albums/n16/neild79/bufferunderrun.jpg i dont understand this as i never usually have problems with nero.. thanks
The reason your files look like that is that Nero took control of them when you loaded it onto your computer. When you click on them it will open up Nero's player to play them. If you don't want that to happen, you can right click on any of the files & go to Properties & change it to whatever program you want & it will change the icon of all your files. For the second part, it seems that Nero 7 has a lot of bugs to it. I have Nero 6, so I haven't dealt with them myself. Here is a link I found after doing a Google search that may help you a bit. http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/forum-replies-archive.cfm/474387.html If you want to reinstall Nero go here & get the Clean Tool for Nero 7. http://ww2.nero.com/nero7/enu/Nero7_CleanTool.html