Hi Guys, at least 2 bugs found straight after update to 1) file associations all goes to Nero. Why? Can that be fixed? Last time I did clear install of One of the reasons was this association madness. So I did custom install. All (!!!) associations were made unchecked. That helped. Now they all belongs to Nero again. For Gd sakes, can the update be carried according to registry settings?! But there is more. I can change associations one by one and it will work except the freaking Nero Icon stays everywhere anyway. How do I fix that? 2) SoundBox crashes on any Insert. <<The instruction at0x0nnnnnnn referenced at 0x0nnnnnnn The memory cannot be "read">> where nnnnnnn are always different so there is no sense to write'em down. SoundBox worked fine in 7.9 Thanks in advance for any info PS haven't tested all of it yet. Hope will not find burning bugs Regards
To change icons associated with file types. Open any folder with Explorer. Tools > Folder Options > File Types Look at the 'Registered File Types' Find the file type to change. In this example I looked at 'TXT Text Document' Note that it opens with Notepad (not changing) Click 'Advanced' and 'Change Icon' Browse to any program folder for an icon and select. If the 'Advanced' button is not available, choose 'Restore' then change the program and the icon.
Hi attar, Thank you for reply and thanks a lot for reminding me about that trick with Advance button. I was using it once long ago (unrelated to Nero) and forgot about it. Interestingly enough when I first encountered it I blamed MS for the implementation and I even gave it a name "Restoring Advince by Restore" You are right. And I'll put the following just because it may help some Nero sufferers. If File Type dialogue has a correct icon and file has a correct "open with" association ... but the icon in Explorer still shows up incorrectly you have to: - "Restore..." to the wrong program; - "Advanced" caption appears instead of previously "Restore"; - you "Change Icon..." in the next dialogue by "Browse..." to the needed exe (it has nothing to do with "open with") - then when you return to File Type dialogue use "Change" for "physical" association. I hope my English was clear enough (this time Finally I wish Nero developers were reading this and eventually will stop attack (I'm hesitant to put word "terrorist"...I did already?) attack media file associations and provide us with options to change them from within Nero. As far as I know the only way to set them or disable all (which I prefer) is to perform clean un/re-installation of Nero and do not forget to choose Custom installation. Thank again, attar. My best regards