I know this is probably slightly ignorant, but is there anyway for me to write this 730mb movie onto a 700mb disc, becuase I can't get any 90min cd-r's... In one of the afterdawn forums someone said it's possible to do it with nero if you use the 'video option'...? I don't follow....the only option nero gives u is writing a dvd....or am I blind..? I know I can split the thing and chuck it onto seperate cd's but that means part one alone is going to be on 2 cd's and then another 2 for part 2...? how annoying Any help is greatly appreciated, Thank u
This is a good question for a problem I also have. Dela, for me it would be Divx, but possibly VCD also. I know some larger CDR disks are available, but I've heard that not all players will support them (just a rumor). From experience with Roxio, I routinely go up to 703MB on a 700MB disk but it won't allow me to go beyond that.
Well its definately divx, cause if you started a new vcd compilation with standard vcd, you could fit 800mb on a 700mb 80min disk!
Be sure it is 730MB and not 730.000.000 bytes! 730.000.000/1024=712890,625 KB 712890,625/1024=696,1822509765625 MB So that means it would fit on a 700mb cd. GreetZ TWiLiGHT