hi! I'm new here so please bear with me. i have these DVDs containing 8 movies in 1. Can someone help on how i can extract one by one and burn them on individual DVDs?
so how do i extract them using dvdshrink. Will i have to recode them or do i put them in individual folders before burning them direct?
No need to use Shrink - these movies are less than 1GB in size. Just copy and paste the BUP, IFO and VOB files to a folder on your hardrive and then burn with Nero. e.g. VTS_03 BUP VTS_03 IFO VTS_03 VOB @MysticE - the quality of these disk are not 100% but they are quite good and very watchable. I do not know what techique they use but they put 8 movies on a DVD (all less than 1GB). I would say about VHS quality.
Please, don't waste your discs putting these movies one by one on a DVD!!! If this is on a DVD9 dual sided (I hope so) then you can fit 2 movies per DVD5. You can even retain the menus to choose through different movies. If it's 8 movies on one DVD9, then these movies are heavily compressed and you can easily fit 4 movies per DVD5 and retain the original "quality". Anyways, to extract the movies 1 by one, you only need to rip the VTS the movie is in. This would be if there are 8 VTS with each of those 8 VTS containing 1 movie. If they are all in 1 VTS, then use DVD Decrypter in IFO Mode and rip by PGCs. If they are all in 1 PGC, DVD Shrink will be able to do it the easiest in Re-Author mode.