Why when I plug in my 80 GB ipod it says the capacity is 55.38 GB? What happened to the other 25 GB? I kinda feel ripped off. Also, it is just a music/photo ipod what is the "other" box on the capacity squares? What could be in there.?
I think some of the spaced should be used for formatting the hard drive in the iPod but, 25gb sounds like a lot to me. You can put Video on the iPod too if you want.
Videos are in the other catigory. You ought to know what you put on there but I find ipods to be confusing. They seem counter intuitive to me. You will not have access to videos unless you configure your ipod (menu) for videos. To do that you need to read the manual on the ipod site. You can probably 'wing it' if you go into properties.