80GB Ipod is locked up

Discussion in 'iPod discussion' started by mow61, Mar 31, 2008.

  1. mow61

    mow61 Member

    Mar 31, 2008
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    My 80GB ipod is not working. It was plugged into the usb port on my computer to charge and now it is locked on the screen saying "Do Not Disconnect". I have tried to use the icon on the computer to safely remove the device and it keeps saying that the device is busy and can not be removed at this time. I have removed it anyway and reattached it and tried again to no avail. I did get a message one time saying that the ipod was corrupted and that it needed to be reformatted. I tried to down load to reformate it and it went about have way through the process and then just sat there doing nothing. Is it toast or can someone help me fix it?
  2. kmp_tm

    kmp_tm Guest

    Whenever my iPod does the "Do not disconnect" number on my Windows system, I just shut down, unplug and reboot. (or close iTunes and wait for the message to disappear)

    Now, I'm not exactly sure of what you do now that the iPod is acting screwy.

    Reformatting might do the trick, but I've never done it to an iPod.

    This was a glitch that was fixed in an update. Load the updates, they're there to help.

    Sorry I couldn't be much help >.<

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