811s flashing orange light?

Discussion in 'DVD / Blu-ray drives' started by markdd35, Mar 7, 2004.

  1. markdd35

    markdd35 Member

    Mar 7, 2004
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    I have a LiteOn 811s with HSOK firmware, it just started
    flashing the orange light. It also does not read disc, etc.
    It's 2 months old, I've burned 15 dvd+ TDK. I was not using it when this started. My system sees the drive and reports model#, etc. If I re-run the firmware hsok, it will flash green during the process, but returns to flashing orange afterwards. Is the drive dead?

    Thanks in advance.
  2. XxHaXx

    XxHaXx Guest

    I was having similar problems. Try looking around the forums for enabling DMA on the drive. Make sure the drive is master of the secondary IDE channel. Let me know if this helps.
  3. markdd35

    markdd35 Member

    Mar 7, 2004
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    Yes, I've set the drive DMA enabled, and it's also set as master. I'm thinking the drive is done, even with the IDE dis-connected, It still flashes orange, this is not normal.

    Usual operation is, upon power supplied, you'll get a green query light, then it stops. This will apply wether the IDE is connected or not, I've verified this with several other drives/burners.

    I've also searched the net for a few hours, only found one instance similiar, posted back in mid 2003, no response to date. Doesn't seem to be a common problem.
  4. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    If I understand you correctly this drive just took a dump when you weren't even using it and not after a firmware upgrade?

    If it's only two months old I'd return it and demand a new one.

  5. grogey

    grogey Guest

    Whew, finally got some time on the internet after a schedule of court dates, children hassles and just life in general - so much to catch up on and so little time.......can someone please create just one extra hour a day for me please???? LOL

    Anywhoose - for future reference the orange light thingy can be fixed in the blink of a flash with a great new tool called the Omnipatcher - you can download it from here: http://codeguys.rpc1.org/patchers.html

    I woke this morning to the bloody blinking orange light - everything was fine yesterday so don't ask me why!! Anywhoose I downloaded the program - which also includes many other great patchers: speed, booksetting etc........loaded the file, flashed the drive and in the space of 5mins I had my lovely 411S@811S back again working perfectly!!

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