8X vs. 16X DVDs

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by JustinATL, Jan 11, 2007.

  1. JustinATL

    JustinATL Member

    Jan 8, 2007
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    Hello. I am going to convert my VHS tapes to DVD. I am going to get an Inkjet printer to print labels. I have heard good things about the Taiyo Yuden disks. I am debating between 8X and 16X disks. What is the difference? Are the 16X disks that much better than 8X? Do they justify the cost? It looks like the 8X Inkjet printable disks are 43 cents a disk. 16X disks are 49 cents a disk. Which should I buy? Thanks for the help.

  2. binkie7

    binkie7 Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 12, 2005
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    Hi JustinATL
    Not much a diff just you can burn the 16x at a higher speed.
    Looking at the silver inkjet? The white printables are around 30 cents a disc.
    The silver inkjet give the disc like a holographic look.

    I use both speeds and both printable types. But mainly use the 8x cause they're cheaper :)

  3. Jallan

    Jallan Regular member

    Dec 24, 2005
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    binkie7, (though, i guess saugmon would be the one to ask)

    For a DW1640, which +R media codes are TY and Verb/MCC yielding the best scans from? (and burned at what speed?)
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2007
  4. bugguy

    bugguy Guest

    Justin- something that you need to think about is your dvd burner. What speed is it capable of? If it is a 4x or an 8x then you defineatly don't want the 16x. It would be a waste of cash to by the 16x. Also, if you can control the burn speed, make sure that you burn at half the discs' max. ie- if it is an 8x disc, burn at 4x. Some of the other members told me about this and it works. It allows for a better burn and greater longevity of the movie.
  5. IHoe

    IHoe Senior member

    May 21, 2005
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    and another thing to think about is Booktyping.... if your drive can be booktyped to make all your +R(W) media to DVD-ROMs (which would be like the original DVD) it would be more compatible to DVD players! Read more about it:


    DVD-R(W) media can not be booktyped. I have tried it all.... -R media, +R media and I'll stick with the +R media because I can booktype it and it gives me better scans, it records better! I only use Taiyo Yuden and, like Binkie, I use the silver inkjet printables as well as the white inkjet hub printables and found out that my burner loves the 8x media better than the 16x media.... at least that's according to the scans on the burned media! Sooooooo I bought plenty of 8x media to play with. find out what your drive likes and keep using it! Booktyping is important to make it more compatible to ALL dvd players.... good luck.... and welcome to AfterDawn!
  6. binkie7

    binkie7 Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 12, 2005
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    Yeah saugmon would be a better one to find out the info on the BenQ - I just have LiteOn's and a Pioneer.

    But just my experience w/ 8x - 16x media - Taiyo or Verbatim in either format - scan in the mid 90's (a high number for LiteOn's) burned between 8x-12x - all updated firmware on the drives.

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