90 or 99 minute CD-R

Discussion in 'CD-R' started by JMoney, Apr 24, 2003.

  1. JMoney

    JMoney Guest

    Why haven't I heard of these before? And has anybody used them successfully? I have a few files from DVD's that are around 800mb and I'd like to know if these high-capacity cd's could be used. _X_X_X_X_X_[small]What he said.[/small]
  2. Haroldwww

    Haroldwww Member

    Apr 25, 2003
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    From what I've heard there is no real set ISO standard for 90 and 99 minute CDs. Both your CD recorder and whatever player you are using has to support them, to be able to play them. I have occasionally found a database of recorders that support them. One of those lists is at: http://www.feurio.com/English/Writerdb/list_ide.shtml

    MPEG-2 files around 800mb (up to about 810-830mb with overburn) can be saved to SVCD or XSVCD format on a standard 80 minute CD (80 minute CD's are rated 700mb mode-1 and about 797mb mode-2, which is used for VCDs and SVCDs.) You might want to try that instead of the 90/99minute CDs.
  3. shinnster

    shinnster Regular member

    Oct 30, 2002
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    i have some of these 99 min 900mb disks. Someone has now pointed out to me that you need to have nero software and go through the options to select overburn,you then set it to overburn to 900meg and that apparantly works. As i dont have nero yet i havent tried it but would like to know if this works.
  4. Shoey

    Shoey Guest

    Don't forget that your burner [bold] MUST [/bold] be compatable for 99 min. cd-r's. Check your manufactuer's website or a firmware update "might" support 99 min. cd-r's.

    Shoey :)
  5. chippeh

    chippeh Member

    May 24, 2003
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    Why dont these higher capacity cd's become more mainstream along with burners that support them? I know a lot of people that would be a lot more happy to have an extra 200 megs capacity on cd's. If they make them more mainstream then they won't cost so much, which is good for us, but also with the lower price, more people would buy them and both consumer and business-person would be happy.

    It seems silly to have the technology and not use it to its fullest...
  6. sk1086

    sk1086 Guest

    90/99min CD-Rs go against the standards and most of the large manufacturers do produce them. I've used both 90+ and 99Min CD-Rs with great success. You don't need to use Nero to write 90/99min cd-rs. Just need software that supports overburning (CDRWIN, discjuggler, Nero, etc.). Also, not all drives are compatible with the 90/99min CD-Rs. I haven't seen any 90/99min cd-rs at retail stores. I've gotten mine online at http://www.precisioncddvd.com I'm sure there are other online vendors that also carry these cd-rs.
  7. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    In addition to the 900MB CDs there are also 800MB and 730MB versions. I have used both successfully. One such company that makes these high capacity discs is "Sun Power" (Canada). The discs are rated for 32x so I would imagine that any drive capable of 32x or faster should be capable of burning the full capacity of the disc. I stumbled onto these discs when I used CDRWIN and noticed that the 80MB disc was described as being 730MB.

    I'm not sure if nero has "native" support to read 730/800/900 MB discs but through manual overburning I suppose you could fit the required data on the disc. CDRWIN (and anything based off Padus Discjuggler I would imagine) has native support for these oversized discs.
  8. AllanC

    AllanC Guest

    I am using both 90 + 99 disks for my AVI files, but would like to know if anyone knows how to get win xp cd wizard to recognise larger disks , it keeps telling me disk is 700mb capacity (and it ain't)
  9. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    I dont think XP can handle 90/99 minute discs; XP only accepts the 21/74/80 minute discs (actually, not so sure about thise 21 minute discs, it's hit and miss really).
  10. Shoey

    Shoey Guest

    It could be the burning application you're using. Maybe try a couple of freebies and go to settings.
    CDBurner XP Pro:http://w1.737.telia.com/~u73702956/download.htm

    Shoey :)
  11. Oriphus

    Oriphus Senior member

    May 31, 2003
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    Praetor - XP definetely does support it. I've been burning 99min CD-R's for about 4months now. Your CD-Writer has to support over burning as does your software. But on top of that you have to specifically ask the software to perform over burn and set your minutes (where it normall says 70min.....80min) at the bottom to a higher setting. This is in relation to Nero!
  12. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    I sit-at-my-computer corrected. :) I never liked the WindowsXP burning thing.
  13. ashkeenon

    ashkeenon Member

    Mar 5, 2003
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    Like above ive been havin problems trying to to put my avi and mpeg files on to a 90 min disc. Im only short by about 20meg to fit the files onto a 80min disc could anyone recomend any compression software or where to get 800meg cd-r's for cheap?

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