You guys seem to know everything, so hopefully you can help me. I bought a CD player on E-Bay for my daughter's 95 Accord and guess what! Doesn't work. I spend $124 for the player and $75 for the guy to tell me it was broken... anyway, I'm now looking for another one but need to know what model number will fit her car. Do you guys know? If not, where can I find this info? Thanks so much for your help. Auntdiann
Doesn't work as in I bought a piece of c%ap!! I've asked for my money back from the seller, but you know how that goes. I don't want it to happen again - what kind should I buy? Thanks for replying. Auntdiann
Hey there cant help you with the "what do i buy" problem im afraid. on the ebay front, i bought a digicamera that was busted and had very little luck with the seller. I contacted ebay about it and they chased him up about it also. it helped coz i got my money back might wanna try it
Hey Auntdiann any type of receiver that is single din will fit in her car, although you will need an adapter that adapts the receiver plug to the stock plug for the car(otherwise, its good old cut & splice ), and then it just simply throwing in the new deck and putting the adapter between the old plug to the stock receiver and the new deck. As for what kind of receiver to get... Alpine are amongst the better of decks, although they are more expensive than other decks, though you can pick up a decent - nice deck anywhere between $130.00 to $200.00. The best place I have found to order car audio equipment from was, and if you order a receiver from them, they provide an instalation kit, including adapter, for free.
Thank you so much. Think I will go after the bum on E-Bay and try to get a unit from reputable installer. Auntdiann