Hi there, I've been having a problem for quite some time now with a _NEC DVD+RW ND-1000A drive. It is only recently I've actually managed to work out what the drive even is to get any assistance for it. The drive will load normal CD's, even copy CD's without fail. It can struggle on occasion to load DVDs, But it doesn't read R or RW DVDs [bold]at all[/bold] As far as I'm aware, this problem has been occuring since my brother in law made this machine up for me just under a year ago for Christmas last year. I've been searching around today since I found the name of the drive searching for any posible technical support, but I cannot even find the actual manufacturer of the drive to look for a website. The only detail the System Information gives about any manufacturer is [Standard CD-ROM Drives]. Although it also says this for a CD-RW drive, RICOH CD-R/RW MP7163A. If it will help. I've pasted exactly what it says for the DVD Drive under System Information below. Drive F: Description CD-ROM Drive Media Loaded No Media Type CD-ROM Name _NEC DVD+RW ND-1000A Manufacturer (Standard CD-ROM drives) Status OK Transfer Rate Not Available SCSI Target ID 0 PNP Device ID IDE\CDROM_NEC_DVD+RW_ND-1000A____________________1.00____\5&80E017E&0&0.0.0 Driver c:\windows\system32\drivers\cdrom.sys (5.1.2600.2180 (xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158), 48.38 KB (49,536 bytes), 23/08/2001 13:00) Any assistance on this issue will be appricated. To my knowledge any insurance on the drive is either expired or with no way to know where it came from. My brother in law isn't exactly one to keep Receipts around. I've activated Email Notification for the topic and will come back to answer any questions in reguards to the drive here.
OK, your drive is very old. It's no surprise it has stopped working as well. What media are you using? As media has got better speeds have increased and it is likely your drive no longer supports that media. I think you drive can burn no higher than 4x DVD, so if you are using 16x or even 8x media then chances are it wont work in your drive. Also as media codes (what your dirve uses to recognise the disk) have evolved, the drives have used firmware to update the database of codes. However, there is NO new firmware for thi drive. Personally, I think it is time to upgrade your drive to a new 16x one. BTW it being recognised as a CD drive is normal. And also the fact it says it is a RICOH drive is also normal when it come to this drive. The NEC 1000A is either an NEC or a Ricoh drive. Get back to me.
I'm not too sure how to check the media.. Although I've checked the cdrom.sys file it states in the Driver and it says File Version: 5.1.2600.2180 I kinda doupt this is what you meant though.. Where do you check the Media Version? Most of the disks my brother-in-law burns for me appear to always be 16x/1x. I have told him time and again that they don't load but it's like it goes out of one ear and out of the other. I'm not currently in a position financally to upgrade to the current best one around, but I will keep an eye out on ebay or something to see if I can get at least something a little newer that might work.
i have this to offer - the standard NEC 1000A can manage the following = 2.4x DVD+R , 2.4x DVD+RW From looking here - http://herrie.org/upgrdr.html the 1000A can be morphed into a 1300A, (ie via firmware update you can wring a little more life out of this burner, but not a great deal as 4x discs are becoming more scarce now) but it's a 50% success rate for either (i interpret the success rate to mean 50% success rate of burning to media at the newer speeds of the 1300A firmware, not 50% chance of the firmware upgrade itself working). if you morph this old drive into a 1300A, you have access to the following new capabilities - 4.0x DVD+R, 4.0x DVD-R & 2.0x DVD-RW Basically firmware is what 'teaches' a drive about makes of media, burn speeds, how to interpret media etc etc, and your drive is just not recognising that media as the firmware is (probably current) however very old and the discs you're trying to use are newer than the burner is equipped to recognise/use.