just passed my A+ exams today! i was wondering, who else on afterdawn has their A+/N+/Security+ certification?
congrats man. i got my A+ and N+ back in 99-2000, i was almost done with my MCSE and i dropped out due to getting a job that totally screwed my schedule up (but it was worth it, good job, still there).
A+ since 05, and I completed CCNA, but not CCNP. Trying to get Cisco certified as of right now while completing school.
yeah cisco is where the money is. im running into time constriants. i cant take on anymore, my family is pissed as it is. im always working.once u get into it, its very time consuming. u would really be suprised what people can do to a pc.
@Cfultz...congrats guy! Working in the field of employment with a specialty in education training, I know that many employers won't even consider someone without a certification appropriate to the level of the job. MCSE certs are no picnic to get and the failure rate is enormous. Applications for funds for MCSE training has got to be the ones we reject the most. People see the projected salaries in labor market information and its the first thing they ask for and its impossible to convice them that surfing the net and playing in chat rooms doesn't come close to microsoft's recommended prerequisite knowledge before such a pursuit. Strange as it sounds though, I've had a great deal of positive results in recommending an A+ cert to go along with the frequently requested MS Office training. With only the larger companies having in house tech support, that one A+ cert has made them far more marketable than others with MS Office proficiency alone.