hi i have a gateway computer and when it boots up it says....a drive error press esc 2 continue.... the computer boots up fine from there but the a drive is messed up any ideas?......thankz
"A" drive, is usally the 3 and 1/2 inch floppy drive, but you can check your self. if you are using Windows XP, then go start, my computer and double click. from there, there should be Devices with removable storage, and next to each icon, it should say like drive "A" or something ,check it out, and come back
I am pretty sure ME is the same, but i am not positive, try the My Computer and read what it says. and no problem for the fast reply.
if posting that error before windows than the motherboard is detecting a hardware error. reseat both the data & power cables on the floppy drive & the motherboard. check in the bios that the drive is 3.5" 1.4meg & not anything else. if still coming up with error try another data cable & also try the drive in another computer to see if error follows or not.