A few quick questions : 1. Is it called writing out a mirror when I write a DVD I created in Nero to my Hard Drive before burning it to a DVD ? 2. Once I have written a DVD to Hard Drive how can I write it to a DVD ? considering it is already in a DVD format and folder structure.
quote >2. Once I have written a DVD to Hard Drive how can I write it to a DVD ? considering it is already in a DVD format and folder structure. use nero burning rom or img burn to burn your image(if thats what you made ) from your hard drive if you made a video ts you could use nero recode you can also use imgburn to burn your video ts folder
I think your first question about mirror..... you mean a mirror IMAGE of your disk....... meaning the exact copy of your disk! I guess that's what you mean by mirror. a mirror image of a disk is an ISO. Normally no one says MIRROR~!