normally i wouldn't post outside links but this little story, and the hell i caught from the ladies is quite funny. i was bored at work and started to write and it just ended up the way it is. and anyone can feel free to join that forum as well, Bill Lonero is a friend of aD and a damn cool guy. His forum is mainly geared towards guitar players and musicians, but all are welcome. And NO i am NOT pimping another forum, i think there are less than like 40 people there total, including the band! we have spam threads here that are bigger than Bill's entire forum, but it's a cool place for musicians, which is something we dont have a specific place for here. but at least read my raccoon story, it's funny.
Nice...I'm sure you've kicked ppl out of AD for less taunting than that. LOL Those girls were too easy. Good story by the way.
Well funny is not how I would describe the story - you really had me going - thinking it was real! I even cringed at the liquid nitrogen part - poor thing! This story could only come from you darthnip! You have quite an imagintion