A Good iPod Video Converter that keeps Audio in Sync

Discussion in 'iPod discussion' started by jazzy639, Nov 7, 2005.

  1. jazzy639

    jazzy639 Member

    Nov 7, 2005
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    Every program I try to convert a DVD (vob) or AVI (xvid) for my iPod doenst work propery. The audio is always a few seconds out from the video and most of the time the aspect ratio isnt right. Im using 16:9 and 2:38.2 (i think) Sources which should be letterboxed to 320x240.

    Does anyone know of a program that will convert the video KEEPING THE AUDIO IN SYNC.

    I have tried most programs - too many to name.

    Please Help

  2. Lethal_B

    Lethal_B Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 12, 2005
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    You have to kind of mention which ones you have tried so you can either be corrected, or, most importantly, not be told stuff that you already know...
  3. jazzy639

    jazzy639 Member

    Nov 7, 2005
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    I have been trying loads of different things, now Ive converted the VOB to a H.264 AVI with DVDx and FFDShow. Then I convert the videos with Videoara iPod Converter and now the audio is in sync.

    So I've now got a workaround.
  4. Lethal_B

    Lethal_B Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 12, 2005
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    Look at the two guides at the top of this forum, they have together 6 or seven different things you can try!
  5. bradnet

    bradnet Member

    Jan 3, 2006
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    I have had the same trouble with every program i have used to convert the tv shows i have downloaded from the net that are in avi form. I have read nearly every solution i could find on google.com.au and i have figured out the problem.

    Im Using ImToo ipod movie converter because i have read a fair amount of forums on ilounge that it is the best program there is i am yet to agree but it is working for me.

    Downlod the program from the Imtoo website search it in google

    Install the program it is only trial verson so search for the regestration key on google i found it on www.seriall.com

    On the help drop down menu click enter regestration key and enter your name and the key

    Now you have the full version

    Click add and find the video file you want to encode

    it will come up with a summary of the bit rates and ect next to the viewing screen now this is the key into getting insync audio find what exact audio bit rate it is 128,107, 256kbps and find out what exact fram rate it is most american stuff is 23.98fps

    click once on the file to higlight it and now go acoss to where all the settings and bit rates for the new encoded files is

    Note: the file must be highlighted to change them

    Click fram rate box it should say automatic and enter whatever the fram rate is of the file

    Click the audio kbps box it should say 128kbps and enter the exact value of the original files Note: if you want less bite rate for audio type in the lesser value you want i havn't tried it yet but more than the original value makes the audio out of sync so less shouldn't effect it

    this is the key to getting the audio in sync with the video

    hopefully this should solve most avi to ipod out of sync problems!

  6. Fraankie

    Fraankie Guest

    Hi Lethal,

    I have been reading posts on this forum and my questions have still gone unanswered. I am using Xilisoft DVD to Ipod Converter Suite. I have purchased the software. It also comes with Ipod Video Converter. I'm pretty sure I have solved the DVD to Ipod Converter. My video is in sync now. However, the video converter I have trouble with. I have been trying to encode a tv show. It is a .mpg file and I've done everything to my knowledge. I've changed the bit rate up and down and also set it to auto. I have changed the frame rate to 29.97 and still nothing. I'm lost. I could really use some help.


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