i got a 1gig and 512mb shuffle they were both working fine until last couple of days i tried to put some songs on the ipods and there is a orange light that comes on both of them as soon as i put them in my usb port i unistalled and reinstalled ipod and itunes but my computer wont recognize the ipods as soon as i turn them on the green and orange lights flash and when i plug them to the pc only tha orange one! i ran the ipod updater but it gets stuck in "INTIALIZING" mode and never detcets my ipods so i cant even restore them! can anynne help me out!? Thanks hope to hear from you guys soon! EX
Try just leaving them in your computer for a while [I'm assuming your USB port is powered] I have a 256 shuffle and if it isn't charged it isn't recognized by the computer. I'll edit some more in later!
hey man thanks ill do that but i have left it on for quite some time but will leave it on until any other solutions come up aite thanks for the help!