A little help :)

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by ezduzit23, Jul 9, 2006.

  1. ezduzit23

    ezduzit23 Guest

    Heyyy whatsup
    yeah i've been trying to find this song for the longest time and i finally came across it in the '2005 The Ultimate Rap and Hip Hop Remix of all Remixes'. i can only hear the funky background beat about 4 minutes into the mix. i was wondering if you could get me any info about the song :) thanks
  2. Phantom69

    Phantom69 Regular member

    Apr 22, 2005
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    try searchnig in google or imdb.com or like the amazon music store or something.

    thats what i usually do
  3. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    Phantom is right; if you know the very first lyrics, put it in quotation marks and sometimes it will bright you directly to it.

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