Greeting. I am having a minor problem with my DVD burner. When I burn it the sound comes out great the picture is great, but it cuts just around .25 to .50 of an inch off the bottom. Therefor it cuts my subtitles in half or completly covers them. And ideas on how to fix this? As a note I should say I'm trying to backup my asian movies incase that makes a difference. I have imported quite a bit and it's bloody expensive.
Are these AVI files being converted to DVD and burned? If the source is 16:9 and your TV is 4:3, then the output has to be letterboxed.
Yes they are AVI files. I'm not sure about the screen size. How do I check? And how do I create a Letterbox? I had backed these files up as AVI on a secure storage and I am trying to create temp DVDs because I will shortly be going overseas and don't want to take a chance of these getting lost or damaged. Thank you in advance.
I find it easier to force the output to suit my TV than to guess. The way I understand it, is that the program puts information on the output that tells the DVD player to 'put this in a letterbox'. This program has a simple interface that spells it out, whereas Nero has the same setting, but is harder to find. Import the file(s) (AVI, WMV,MPEG, VOB) Output (standard DVD file format) to a folder on the HDD. Set 'Aspect' to 4:3 (if you have a regular tv) Set 'Standard' to NTSC (if you live in North America)