if youre wondering what to do if you no longer use your xbox like you used to, and say want to get the best from mame, kawax, sgenesis etc etc. I just finished my cabinet project. have a look here http://www.arcadecab.com/images/Visitor_Pics/Rich_finished_cab_3_lg.jpg and http://www.arcadecab.com/images/Visitor_Pics/Rich_internals1_lg.jpg and http://www.arcadecab.com/images/Visitor_Pics/Rich_marquee_lg.jpg The guy who runs the page, Mike, has templates, tols lists etc, everything to make the cab Its a great project, and well worth it to get the most from your aging little black and green box
hey theridges I highly recommend the monitor and transcoder, beats the hell out of a tv. Crisper image smoked plexiglass is a nice touch too emdkay.com can supply any marquee design, or do what I did, design your own and get him to print it its about $20, that includes the lexon clear plexiglass that "sandwiches" your marquee design the controller you can either custom build, or build it around the x-arcade controller (which is what I did, though I may do a custom one later with a trackball) the link above gives all the templates and designs you could ever want, and Id be glad to help too if you decide to do it Rich