Can one of the moderators or addicts tell me why I am classified as a Newbie after 31 [bold]posted and hopefully helpful[/bold] messages?
you are not bumped up automatically just because you reach X number of posts. Admin update member status every few weeks
hydroFX, read the forum rules above about insulting a fellow member. if i see that again than you'll hear the thunder!!
Hey there djscoop, The categorization of a member’s status was a little confusing to me at first. Then, in another thread a few of the members took the time to explain how “ranking” works and like you, stressed that [bold]quality not quantity[/bold] is the basis for change in a members ranking or category. However, I didn’t realize that a Forum Administrator (probably during bi-weekly review or whatever) is the one responsible for considering actual changes. Thanks for the information. BTW: this is my 33rd post and hopefully of value to someone. Ha! Take care. ;-)
welcome to the aD forums! The rankings are generally on posts, but don't worry. If you become a regular visitor you'll be up there in no time!