A problem with either my R4 or the Micro SD card

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by elefant, Dec 31, 2008.

  1. elefant

    elefant Member

    Dec 31, 2008
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    Happy New Year everyone :D

    Okay my problem is that when i start my NDS, choose the folder: games, the upper screen goes black, the lower is normal. I have the R4 SDHC revolution ( At least I think it is, don't know if it is a fake or not) and my micro SD card is a kingston card, 1GB.
    Hope someone can help, and tell me if it is the R4 card or the micro SD card that has busted, or maybe something third.
  2. crunz

    crunz Member

    Jan 1, 2009
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    From what I have read any R4 that supports higher than 2GB are generally a fake or a clone as the original R4 only supports micro SD up to 2GB and are no longer made... (you can correct me if I am wrong as I am only new to this)

    The good thing is I have 2 types of R4 (R4Ultra & R4SDHC... don't ask how I ended up with 2 types or why R4??? LOL but I got them and they both work except the Ultra currently has issues with changing the Theme).

    I have found that the incorrect firmware could be the problem my Ultra uses Kernel V1.5 where as the SDHC uses Kernel V1.25 unfortunatly the site for R4SDHC does not seem to be available so you can try downloading the firmware from this site.


    Also I have used a 2GB Sandisk and 2GB Kingston Micro SD card on each versions of the R4 and they both work fine.... (and 4GB Kingston as well).

    I hope this has helped.
  3. elefant

    elefant Member

    Dec 31, 2008
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    thanks for the reply. I got it to work by downloading the newest kernel from this site http://r4ds.cn/ and installing it on my micro SD after i had formatted it :).
  4. LondonGam

    LondonGam Member

    Nov 9, 2008
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    Hi there,

    Just to quickly clarify, there isn't really such as thing as a 'fake' R4. In fact, the original R4 (which you found at r4ds.cn) is called the "R4v2" (they removed the spring mechanism from the back of the card which was present in the first ever production line of them, hence v2).

    Now, almost every other card in EXISTENCE is technically an R4 clone with different software. The closest to 'original' you can get, is probably, ironically, the R4-SDHC. There are several versions of the R4 card that are made in different factories by different members of the original R4 team who fell out and are now competing against each other.

    DSTT's, N5's and M3 Adapters, CycloDS's, Firecards, AceKards, you name it - all of them are copies of the original R4 (although AceKards were first coined in Japan I believe, to their credit, but are still copies). Simply put, the way the Chinese market works is that if it's good, ten other people will try and do it too.

    Therefore, it's better to think not about real or fake, but about original or "still works". :)
  5. linkaegar

    linkaegar Member

    Dec 13, 2008
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    I have the same thing, it's because since its an SDHC flash cart, it doesn't support regular SD cards.

    You might as well buy an SDHC card. You can purchase it online for a great price.


    Or you can just get it at your local electronics store. Just get the original R4. It's cheaper and it supports regular SD cards.

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