why can people show how to soft mod and hard mod your xbox wich is alot worse than bridging and i cant post my tutorial???
Because bridging is cheating......Most people that come here need help with modding so they can play backups and watch backups of movies and stuff.....Beleive it or not most people mod not to cheat but to have fun with there xbox...And if someone was modding there xbox to cheat we would say the same thing the moderator said to you....Bridging is only for cheating.....Modding can be fun...or cheating..WE only help with the fun part of it
but whats up with all the cant sign on to live posts and things if i dont thing there playing legit on line if they had a modded xbox i am not saying all of them are but some defenatly are so can i post a tut on how to force host and boot instead of team standby so that in the event that they get matched with a modder in halo 2 he wont have host and they can boot him