Everytime someone is banned, the moderator or admin (or the boss) should use a different catch fraze. We will see how many unique and relevant catch frazes the guys can come up with. For instance, dRD has used 'Todays winner is' 'Gongradulations, banned!!' Dela has used 'Have a nice day' I cant remember any others. But make them interesting and relevat to the reason they are banned. We'll (irritable afterdawn users like myself) give you marks for inventivity (dont think thats a word) and funnyness.
Good idea, they should also strut when they say it. An other would be puting a good signiture with it as well. Like your reaper cuting off the head of turkey. then you could say, no turkeys allowed.
I myself use Good Bye or Bye Bye!!... But there is something slightly wrong with using a "catch phrase", it causes a direct problem with the people you ban because it could antagonizes(sp) them to come back and start a flame war. It is easier for admins and dRD to say something because they have no one to answer to, whereas moderators have to be a little more carefull with what they say so as to not get banned themselves.... This is something I have dealt with on a few occasions not just because of a witty remark but because of the way I may have implied my true feelings about a topic. Now I try very hard to just make clear what the person did wrong and avoid "offending" them even though they can outright disrespectfully flame me, mods, etc or other members of the forum._X_X_X_X_X_[small][bold]Please use the Search function http://forums.afterdawn.com/search/ before posting or refer to my Tutorial http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/15105[/bold][/small]
lol - sounds good to me Dela, just as long as it isnt directed at me, lol, cuz that wouldnt be too good i guess ;-)
Prisoner, if you look at some of dRD's posts, there is an image when he bans ppl saying, I want you to fusk OFF!! so I think im well entitles to it ;-)
Yeah i saw that, thats the whole reason for this thread. I thought that as really funny. Its a huge picture as well!!
So, while we on the subject off kicking people off, what should we do if we see somebody blatantly breaking the board rules? Like offering illegal software, etc? Who should we contact? Or just leave it alone?
If it looks like moderators/admins have missed it then PM a moderator, there are many to choose from lol!
Cool, that's what I figured. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't p*ssing somebody off and getting me banned. Talk about irony.