A song for Mary-Ann Leneghan and her Friend I accidentally came across this story and it stunned and haunted me. I had never heard something so savage and evil. I was stunned into shock and did my best to deny the melodies that began floating in my head. I wanted like everyone else to flee from this nightmare due to its Politically Incorrect inter-racial nature (black on white). But unlike all the other times that stories like this are ignored and the victims are swept under the rug I had to say NOT THIS TIME This is: A song for Mary-Ann Leneghan and her Friend (links to song to follow)
Disclaimers: All rights to this song: "A song for Mary-Ann Leneghan and her Friend" are property of Marcus Danis and copywrited to Marcus Danis as was witnessed by many on 3-22-06 I wave all air play royalties for Britian as my gift to the British people. I hope everyone enjoys The song and my other material can be found at the following sites and any others I may have left out can be found by just googling my name Marcus Danis and follow the music links that pop up. www.soundclick.com www.audiostreet.net www.soundlift.com www.callasong.de All OMS distribution sites. Please enjoy Marcus Danis