By no means am I any kind of expert but for years I haven't had any problems backing up movies using shrink w/decrypter and Occasionally I would use x copy until I got a new computer and couldn't install it on the new one or dvdfab. I have a movie from Sweden and I can't seem to get it copied with any of those programs. I would do like I normally do and and search the forum or the guides but I don't know what it is called. Looking at the actual disk - which is new there is a ring less than a 1/4 inch from where the written area starts. I swear that when DVD fab is trying to read it the drive makes an actual noise. I get errors that say there is an unreadable portion on the disk. Any help would be appreciated.
It's always possible you've got a bad disc. But most times that's not it. Are you able to watch the DVD with software (PowerDVD, Media Player Classic) on your PC without a problem? If your DVD plays OK then you should be able to back it up. DVDFab Decrypter should be able to rip anything out there, but make sure you have the latest version. I think that's I rip Swedish DVD's on a fairly regular basis and I haven't seen any DVD's from Sweden yet that pose a problem, even with the most recent releases.
I guess I still don't know the name of whatever copy protection it was but I downloaded ripit4me based on its description that it could backup dvd's that decrypter and dvdfab couldn't do on their own. With the FIx vts function and the guide on here, I was able to make a successful copy.